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网址:www.jiajiaol.aou1.cn  2021-09-23  作者:admin    阅读:

In the traditional sense, family education refers to the education of morality and etiquette in the family, such as: the child has no tutor; someone's tutoring is very strict. The original meaning of family education is to help children grow up healthily and teach them the truth of life. Tutoring is a very important way of individual socialization. 家教传统意保定平面设计培训 保定室内设计培训 保定空调移机 保定太阳能维修 保定厨房排烟 雄安管道通风 义上讲是指家庭内道德、礼节的教育,如:这个孩子没家教;某人家的家教很严格等。家教的本来意义是帮助孩子健康成长,教会孩子做人的道理,家教是个体社会化非常重要的途径。
In the traditional sense, family education refers to the education of morality and etiquette in the family, such as: the child has no tutor; someone's tutoring is very strict. The original meaning of family education is to help children grow up healthily and teach them the truth of life. Tutoring is a very important way of individual socialization.

